Thursday, February 25, 2010

This componet was fun. I visited Hulu first and watched several things. I watched the last episode of "Alf". I didn't know what movie to watch so I just browsed and found a 1962 movie: 3 stooges in orbit. I remember watching it as a child, not as funny now but I was curious to see which of the 3 stooges it featured. It was the originals: Curly, Larry and Moe. I liked the extras: full screen option and the lower lights (adjusting the brightness of the screen, Hi Res, etc. I have never been a fan of watching videos/movies on my computer (screen is too small and no place to get comfortable) and probably still won't but at least I know what options are out there.

For fee paying options I would probably use the Red Box. The convience is there and you can get a DVD on the spur of the moment. My new TV had the capability to stream movies but it is not hooked up. I guess I will just continue to check out most of my movies from the library!

I also used IMDB and watched several trailers. That is a site that could become very useful in my life. Perhaps I will bookmark it. I watched a trailer for Alice in Wonderland (had several to choose from). The appeal for me is the many titles they have trailers for. I didn't know that Diary of a Wimpy Kid was coming out until I watched IMDB.

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